Area high school girls experience college life

For a group of area high school girls, the move to college life should be an easier process following a mock college day sponsored by the Women's Center, Office of Multicultural Affairs and Girls Inc., a YWCA organization.

The event brought 16 sophomore to senior girls from Grand Rapids schools to Grand Valley's campus. The students received a tour of the campus including living center visits, a meal at Fresh Food Co., and a mock college class. The day ended with an ice cream social and discussion with help from Grand Valley students, alumni, and Women’s Center staff members.

The mock college day was made possible by a grant from the Michigan Women's Foundation Young Women for Change. The grant was used to start a group on campus called NIARA, which is the Swahili word meaning “one with high purpose.” NIARA which is a mentoring program that matches women professionals of color and undergraduate students reached out to a community organization, Girls Inc., which addresses issues facing young women.

Ashley Nickels, assistant director of the Women's Center who helped organize the event, said: “It was an amazing experience. So many of the girls came up to me after and talked about GVSU and their interest in attending.”

Grand Valley student Susana Villagomez was a panel participant. She said, “A lot of the girls don't have college on their mind. We want to show them it is an option.” Villagomez is a health professions major and also a first-generation college student.

Kristen Moss, YWCA youth coordinator said: “The girls are having their eyes opened to something they've never experienced before. We want to show them college is an option.”




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