Children's Enrichment Center earns re-accreditation

Grand Valley's Children's Enrichment Center was recently granted re-accreditation from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, under the new standards of quality measurements.

Director Sharalle Arnold said the re-accreditation, which continues through 2015, speaks to the level of care offered to children and their families by center staff members. Earned accreditation through NAEYC means completing a self-study that addresses 10 standards, which include curriculum, leadership, community partnerships and physical environment. The center earned its initial accreditation in 2005.

"Considering that we are in a university setting, there is an expectation to align yourself with the best practices," Arnold said. "We want to make sure that we are serving our families with the best research that is available."

Arnold said she and the center's staff are next undertaking a strategic plan. "We want to make sure we're supporting the university's mission to help student children, student teachers and student families succeed," she said.

Earning re-accreditation will also help the center's students succeed. Arnold cited a recent survey of Michigan kindergarten teachers in which the teachers reported about 15 percent of kindergarten students come to school unprepared.

"Our work that we do today will benefit this child when he or she is 10, 15 and older. Not only is the center preparing young children for kindergarten success, but success in life," Arnold said.

The Children's Enrichment Center is open to children of students, faculty and staff members and members of the community. For more information, visit the center’s website at


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