Engineering and computing students showcase projects

Grand Valley students from the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing showcased more than 80 semester projects December 9 during Project Day, “The Future Looks Bright.”

The projects, intended for real world use, were scattered throughout the halls and classrooms in the John C. Kennedy Hall of Engineering and Keller Engineering Labs. They ranged from a device that measures the strike force of a martial artist or boxer, to a robot that plays air hockey, to an eCommerce website, similar to Amazon, built and programmed by students.

About 300 high school students from Michigan attended the event to learn more about engineering and computing at Grand Valley. They talked with Grand Valley students and interacted with the projects.

“Not many kids are exposed to careers in engineering or computing,” said Sara Maas, outreach coordinator at PCEC. “It’s not as easy to grasp as say, being a doctor, a teacher, or a journalist. Project Day is a way for these kids to see how studying math and science is useful and that they will use it someday.”

Visit the WZZM 13 story here to view a video of the event.


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