Grad students meet with legislators

Five graduate students from Grand Valley joined 71 other outstanding graduate students from 15 colleges and universities across the state, to meet with legislators in Lansing, April 13. The gathering at the State Capitol was a part of Michigan Graduate Education Week, where students meet with and present their research and degree-related projects to lawmakers.

John Stevenson, interim dean of Graduate Studies, said three Grand Valley graduate students met with legislators to talk about the importance of funding for graduate education, while two other graduate students presented their research, showing how their projects can help health care and Great Lakes sturgeon management for the state of Michigan, respectively.

Presenting their research were Matt Altenritter, who is completing a master’s in biology, and Jennifer Jakubowski, who is finishing a master’s in cellular and molecular biology. Meeting with lawmakers were Andrew Crosby, who is working on a master’s in public administration; Mike Soltis, who is completing a master’s in public administration; and Christina Torri, who is completing a master’s in business administration.

Photo is courtesy of Randy Mascharka/Eastern Michigan University



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