Grand Valley approves cyber charter school

Grand Valley State University’s Board of Trustees approved the authorization of a new cyber charter school. Michigan Virtual Charter Academy will offer a blended curriculum for K-12 students.

“Students will do half of their work online and the other half at an established learning center,” said Tim Wood, director of the GVSU Charter Schools Office. Wood said Michigan Virtual Charter Academy will bring choice to underserved students across the state.

Charter schools are currently capped at 400 students, but a cyber school will allow for the addition of up to 1,000 more students. Wood said for every two students added, one must be a high school dropout. “Students will be given a computer, a modem, Internet access and textbooks,” Wood said.

The operator will be K-12, Inc., a Virginia company that is operating cyber charter schools in 28 states, serving 65,000 students.

For more information, contact Tim Wood at (616) 331-2240 or GVSU News and Information Services at (616) 331-2221.


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