Grand Valley experts available to comment on General Election

The 2010 General Election will have great importance in Michigan and nationally. Grand Valley State University has experts available for comment. See all experts available at Grand Valley’s election center, which can be found at

Erika King, (616) 331-2295, professor of political science, is an expert on campaigns and elections, public opinion and media and politics. King has been interviewed by television and major newspapers across the state and country including The New York Times.

Roger Moiles, (616) 331-3283, affiliate professor of political science, is an expert on elections, state politics, public policy, international relations and Congress.

Mark Richards, (616) 331-3457, associate professor of political science, is an expert in constitutional law.

Don Zinman, (616) 331-8714, assistant professor of political science, is an expert on elections, American politics and political parties.

Whitt Kilburn, (616) 331-8831, assistant professor of political science, is an expert on political psychology and public opinion.


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