Grand Valley LipDub video now online

The University LipDub video produced by Grand Valley State University is now available for viewing online at It premiered on the Lubbers Stadium video screen at the Homecoming football game Saturday. 


The international LipDub project began at Hochschule Furtwangen, a university in Germany, with a challenge to other schools. The idea is to choose a song that participants can lip sync and then shoot an entertaining video of the performance in one continuous take, without cuts or editing.


Grand Valley students Chris Coleman and Greg Kort took up the challenge and worked out the details with Kim Roberts, associate professor in the School of Communications and project advisor.


The song "Come Sail Away," by Styx, was selected for Grand Valley's project, which includes more than a dozen locations and celebrates the university's 50th Anniversary. Performers include President Thomas J. Haas and Marcia Knapp Haas, Louie the Laker, rowing team members, ballroom dancers and student organizations, individual students, faculty members and staff. 


For more information, contact Kim Roberts at (616) 331-3607, or [email protected]


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