GVTV to record free video greetings to military personnel

Chelsea Micinski remembers seeing holiday greetings from deployed military service personnel sprinkled throughout television broadcasts while at home in Beulah, Mich. The Grand Valley State University senior, a film and video major in the School of Communications, decided it would be great if the reverse were possible and has organized an effort to do so.

Operation Salutations will give West Michigan families of military personnel the opportunity to record a 5- to 7-minute message on Saturday, December 4, from 10 a.m.-7 p.m., in the GVTV studio, located in the lower level of Kirkhof Center, on Grand Valley’s Allendale Campus. The service is offered free of charge and on a drop-in basis. The recorded videos will be placed on a website accessible to the families with a password, which can be shared with their intended audience.

As president of the student-run television station, Micinski wanted GVTV to become involved in something that gives back to the local community. “We have grown our programming to include eight original programs that air on a regular basis,” said Micinski, noting that the station is open to all Grand Valley students, regardless of their experience level. “I thought Operation Salutations would be a nice public service and hope it will become an annual event.”

GVTV offers Grand Valley students hands-on experience in technical areas of producing, as well as writing, reporting, promotions, directing and acting. The station is non-commercial and broadcasts only on campus. Currently about 60 students participate in the station’s operations, including an executive board with several faculty and staff advisors. Call (616) 331-4888 for more information.


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