HOMERathon3: a non-stop, all-night performance of Homer's Iliad

The earliest work of Western literature, the Iliad, is widely acknowledged as a masterpiece, recounting the struggles within the Greek armies besieging the fabled city of Troy. Hundreds of students at Grand Valley study the Homeric epics every year, with a unique opportunity added two years ago. 

To experience these poems in an approximation of the circumstances in which they were originally performed, the Department of Classics, will present H3: HOMERathon3, a non-stop, all-night performance on Homer's Iliad. Following the great success of past years, H3 begins at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 5, at Cook-DeWitt Center, and continues throughout the night and into Wednesday morning. The event is free and open to the public.

Acclaimed poet and translator Stanley Lombardo will reprise his appearances in both of the preceding HOMERathons by concluding the poem and the event with his performance of his own celebrated translation, which will be featured throughout the event. 

The event is made possible through the generous support of Provost Gayle Davis, together with Dean Frederick Antczak of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dean of Students Bart Merkle, and Dean Wendy Wenner of the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies. 

Further details are available from the Department of Classics at (616) 331-3600, or online at http://www.gvsu.edu/classics.


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