Theater performances will be based on campus interviews

Two productions of "Grand Valley Stories" are scheduled for early November and based on interviews from students, faculty and staff members in September.

Produced by Jeffrey Steiger, artist-in-residence at the University of Michigan, "Grand Valley Stories: 50 Years of Building a More Inclusive Community" is set for Tuesday, November 2, in the Cook-DeWitt Center; and Wednesday, November 3, in Loosemore Auditorim, DeVos Center. Both performances will begin at 4 p.m.; they are free and open to the public.

Steiger was on campus in late September interviewing groups of students, faculty and staff. The anonymous stories he collected will be used to depict classroom dynamics, departmental culture and staff life.

This 50th anniversary event is sponsored by the Division of Inclusion and Equity, Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center, School of Communications, Office of Multicultural Affairs, LGBT Resource Center and Women's Center.


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