Thousands needed for GVSU music video

Grand Valley is creating a unique music video in LipDub format as part of an international project. 


"The Allendale Campus will be the the site of the most ambitious international University LipDub project on the planet," said Kim Roberts, associate professor in the School of Communications and event organizer. "Nothing of this magnitude has been attempted by any other university so far." 


The international LipDub project began at Hochschule Furtwangen, a university in Germany, with a challenge to other schools. The idea is to choose a song that participants can lip sync and then shoot an entertaining video of the performance in one continuous take, without cuts or editing.


Grand Valley's project, which includes more than a dozen locations and celebrates the university's 50th Anniversary, will feature university performers who will lip sync to the song "Come Sail Away" by Styx!  President Thomas J. Haas and Marcia Haas will be featured, along with Louie the Laker, the GVSU Marching Band, the national champion Rowing Crew, ballroom dancers and student organizations. But others are still needed to reach the goal of thousands of participants, including students, faculty and staff. 


Though featured lip sync performers are selected by audition, many extras are needed to participate in other segments. Anyone interested in participating should register by 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, September 29th, outside Kirkhof Center. The taping will be the same day, from noon - 3pm. Learn more at


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