Bus ridership hits 2 million mark

On February 15, at 6:30 p.m., Grand Valley recorded 2 million bus riders for the 2010-11 academic year. This is 16 days earlier than last year.

Grand Valley has experienced record bus ridership for the last 11 years, with an increase of 13.24 percent over last year. Traditionally, Mondays are the busiest for ridership. In 2002, Monday ridership was 1,855; it jumped to 24,682 in 2010.

“Students have clearly figured out the amazing benefits of riding the bus - gas savings, auto savings, safer driving conditions, study time, social time, and 'door to door service' without having to hunt for parking spaces,” said Erin Babson, operations manager of Pew Campus and Regional Centers. “We are very proud of our Laker riders!”

Two million riders means:
* 25,705,407 total miles ridden on the bus
* $11,567,433.15 saved in auto operating costs
* 1,285,270 gallons of gas saved
* $4,048,601.60 in gas savings


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