Faculty and staff sketches


Claudia Sowa, director of community outreach for the College of Education, received a grant from the Great Lakes Fishery Trust for her proposal, "Groundswell Continuation I," which will provide education opportunities on watershed issues and partnerships with local schools and communities.

Mark Luttenton, professor of biology, received a grant from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for his research project, "Muskegon River Juvenile Steelhead Survival and Production."

Veta Tucker, associate professor of English and African American Studies and director of the Kutsche Office of Local History, was reappointed to the Michigan Freedom Trail Commission by Gov. Rick Snyder.

Sharalle Arnold, director of the Children's Enrichment Center, was accepted into the next leadership class of the National Women's Law Center Progressive Leadership and Advocacy Network, which supports advocates who are working to make positive changes for low-income women and families.

Michael M. G. Scantlebury, associate professor of hospitality and tourism management, traveled to the University of the West Indies in Mona, Jamaica, to conduct a site visit for the 2012 ecotourism study abroad program.

Brian J. Bowe, visiting assistant professor of communications, co-wrote an article, "Clash of Coverage: An Analysis of the Cultural Framing Components of U.S. Newspaper Reporting on the 2011 Protests in Bahrain," published in Middle East Media Educator; and gave presentations, "Suppression and Control of Cyber-dissent in the Caucasus: Obstacles and Opportunities for Social Media and the Web,” at the International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference in Istanbul, Turkey; and “Muslim Gonzo: Michael Muhammad Knight’s Journey to Discover America's Punk Rock Islam," at the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies Sixth International Conference in Brussels, Belgium.



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