Fundraiser for food pantry focuses on TOMS philosophy

A fundraiser sponsored by several campus departments will benefit the Student Food Pantry by following the business model of TOMS Shoes, the company that provides shoes for children in need.

University Bookstore will sell copies of TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie's new book, Start Something That Matters, on Wednesday, October 19, from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Kirkhof Center lobby. In his book, Mycoskie stresses social responsibility; UBS will donate $5 from each sale to the GVSU Student Food Pantry.

Participants at the event are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items that will be donated to the pantry. Participants also can enter a raffle to win a free book; attendees who wear TOMS shoes or bring food items for donation are eligible for extra raffle tickets.

The event is co-sponsored by the Women's Center and TOMS Shoes Student Organization. For more information, contact UBS at x12454.


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