Grand Valley awarded for energy savings

A check for more than $52,000 was presented to Grand Valley State University in October for the university’s efforts to decrease energy use.

The check from Consumer’s Energy represents the amount of energy incentive for upgrading the heating and cooling controls to be more efficient in the Eberhard and DeVos centers. The rebate check will help the university offset its energy costs.

The total incentive rebate returns from both Consumer’s Energy and DTE Energy for 2011 is estimated to be $165,000, said Grand Valley engineer Terry Pahl. “We’re constantly finding creative ways to reduce energy consumptions and avoid costs,” he said.

Another energy project that is almost completed will decrease energy usage in the parking ramp on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus. Florescent lamps controlled by motion sensors were installed, and compact florescent lamps will replace stairwell lighting. “The project is not yet completed and we’ve already noticed a 37 percent drop in energy use,” Pahl said.

Pahl added that since 2000 Grand Valley has avoided costs equaling $1.3 million in one-time energy saving projects, and permanent and continuous energy efficient practices save the university $1.4 million annually.

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