Grand Valley Writers Series presents Stephanie Strickland

Strickland is a director of the Electronic Literature Organization and an editor of the first Electronic Literature Collection. She will give a free public reading from 6-7 p.m. in 2263 Kirkhof Center, Allendale Campus.

Stephanie Strickland's Zone : Zero (book + CD), includes two interactive digital poems. Her prize-winning volumes include V: WaveSon.nets / Losing L'una, True North, and The Red Virgin: A Poem of Simone Weil. Her collaborative hypermedia poem, slippingglimpse, was introduced in Paris and shown at the e-Poetry festival in Barcelona. Sea and Spar Between, a poetry generator written with Nick Montfort, appeared last year in Dear Navigator, a new journal of electronic literature from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

For more information, contact Caitlin Horrocks, assistant professor of writing, at (616) 331-3411.


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