GVSU hosts electric car workshop for high school students

Nearly 50 high school students from West Michigan will attend an electric car workshop at Grand Valley State University on November 15. Students will learn about a wireless technology that will help them at the National Electric Cart Association races this spring at the Berlin Raceway in Marne, Mich.

Students will learn how to apply Wireless Data Logging, a technology that transmits data from a vehicle and allows teams to advise drivers on how to improve performance during a race. The workshop will be led by Grand Valley electric engineering professor Andrew Sterian and Coopersville High School senior John Booth.

Electric car workshop
Tuesday, November 15, 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Rooms 102 and 106, Keller Engineering Lab, Pew Grand Rapids Campus
The workshop will begin at 12:15 p.m.

A Volt electric car will be on display for students and faculty.

The workshop is offered each year to teach students how to build the electric cars they will race in the National Electric Cart Association races at Berlin Raceway in the spring. The event is sponsored by Grand Valley’s School of Engineering.

For more information about the workshop, contact Tom Yackish in the School of Engineering at [email protected]. To learn more about the spring races, visit the National Electric Cart Association at www.neca-racing.com.

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