Iannelli named director of engineering school

Joe Iannelli has been selected as the new director of Grand Valley State University’s School of Engineering. He succeeds Charlie Standridge, who filled both roles as director of the school and assistant dean of the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing.

Standridge will resume his role as assistant dean, and Iannelli will officially assume his position July 3.

Iannelli comes from Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, where he served as head of the engineering department for three years and led the establishment of a biomedical engineering concentration and a 300 percent rise in engineering enrollment. Prior to that, he taught aerospace, biomedical and mechanical engineering for 13 years at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, where he also received a doctorate in engineering science and mechanics. He also served as director of the Center of Aeronautics at City University in London for three years.

Born in Susa, Italy, Iannelli received a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree from the University of Palermo in aeronautical engineering, and earned a post-graduate diploma in fluid dynamics from the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, a NATO research institute near Brussels.

Iannelli said he wants to help Grand Valley receive more national attention.

“A compelling university vision, integration of liberal arts in the educational process, study abroad opportunities, state-of-the-art facilities, and excellent faculty, staff and academic programs, are all elements that I believe make Grand Valley an emerging leader of universities in the U.S.,” he said.

Paul Plotkowski, dean of the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing, said, “Paired with his extensive experience in the field and his passion for higher education, I am very optimistic that Joe will provide wonderful guidance and direction for the faculty, staff and students here.”
Iannelli will continue to teach students, and wants to be as accessible to students, faculty and staff members as possible.

“I’m excited to roll up my sleeves and get to know the engineering community at Grand Valley,” said Iannelli. “One of my goals is to institute the most favorable environment for faculty, staff and students to succeed, as I also measure my success in terms of their success.”


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