Kenneth R. Venderbush Student Leadership Award Nominations

Faculty and staff are reminded that nominations for the Kenneth R. Venderbush Student Leadership Award are due in the Dean of Students Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 11, 2011.  The Kenneth R. Venderbush Student Leadership Award will be presented to a senior at the annual Grand Valley Awards Banquet on Monday, April 11.

Students who qualify for an award have made a significant leadership contribution to the campus community and have maintained a successful academic standing. Candidates must also be a senior and enrolled in fall or winter semesters of this year.

To nominate a student for the Venderbush Award, please visit to find the criteria and nomination form. (NOTE: The nomination should be sent in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” and indicate that the nomination is for the Kenneth R. Venderbush Award).


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