Polish students celebrate Christmas in Chicago

Modern Languages and Literatures faculty member Eva Lewak took a group of her students to the Polish Consulate in Chicago, on December 2, to take part in a traditional Polish Christmas celebration. The reception was organized by the General Consul Zygmunt Matynia and his wife, Vice Consul Aleksandra Krystek and the vice ambassador to the U.S.

Students of universities in Illinois started the event two years ago. This was the first year Grand Valley students attended and was the first university from Michigan to attend. The evening included sounds of Polish and American Christmas carols/songs, sharing traditional Polish “oplatek” with best wishes for Christmas and a New Year, and delicious Polish food.

“We were greeted so warmly and felt like VIPs,” said Lewak. “My students had an unforgettable evening of experiencing Polish traditions firsthand.”

The event was covered by TV Polvision Monitor, which included interviews with Lewak and Grand Valley student Jakub Szocinski, president of the Grand Valley Polish Club. The entire news clip is in Polish. View it here.


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