President Haas visits lawmakers, addresses budget

On March 2, Grand Valley President Thomas J. Haas spoke before the state House Higher Education Subcommittee in Lansing on behalf of the university to address Gov. Synder’s higher education budget proposal.

Haas told subcommittee members that when it comes to the operating appropriation, the State of Michigan has largely privatized Grand Valley State University. “If the proposed executive budget is adopted, the taxpayers’ share of Grand Valley’s operating budget will be 17 percent,” said Haas. “In spite of this development, or perhaps because of it, we have always had to live within our means. We cut millions from our budgets in each of the last two years. We levy a tuition rate that is below the state average and in the last five years, we’ve increased student financial aid by 55 percent.”

Haas added, “We have frozen the room rate in campus housing for next year at the 2010 level and 100 percent of our employees — faculty and staff, union and non-union alike — are on a salary freeze this year. Also, more than half of our faculty and staff made voluntary contributions to scholarships and the needy student fund, recognizing that this is a year when extra help is warranted.”

Haas said while the state’s investment in Grand Valley is shrinking, the university is doing even more to help the state. “Our students come from every corner of Michigan,” he said. “Of our most recent graduating class, 92 percent are working or in graduate school — 88 percent of them in Michigan. Our graduates stay here, helping to lead Michigan’s economic recovery in the jobs of the 21st century.”

Haas called Grand Valley an economic engine. “We create more than $640 million in economic activity in the communities that host our campuses,” he said. “More than 10,000 private sector jobs in West Michigan exist because of the goods and services bought by Grand Valley, our employees and our students.

Click here to read his full testimony.


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