SCDI launches new lunch series

The Sustainable Community Development Initiative at Grand Valley invites faculty, staff and students to attend a new series that encourages conversations about sustainability.

Lunchtime Sustainability Conversations will be held each month in room 2201 in the Kirkhof Center, from noon-1 p.m. A presentation from a TEDx conference will be shown and followed by a discussion. TEDx events — conferences based on idea sharing — are organized all over the world. Grand Valley hosted its first TEDx event last fall.

The first session takes place Friday, February 25, with a discussion on The Happy Planet Index, a system that tracks national well-being against resource use. The event is free and lunch will be provided.

Dates through the semester include:

March 16: Obesity + Hunger = 1 Global Food Issue
Ellen Gustafson, co-creator of the FEED bags, said that hunger and obesity are two sides of the same coin. She launched the 30 Project, a way to change how people farm and eat in the next 30 years, and solve the global food inequalities behind both epidemics.

April 8: An Ecofeminist Perspective
At TEDxGrandValley, Julia Mason, assistant professor of women and gender studies, shares her thoughts on the connection between how people treat the planet and each other.

April 22: The Economic Injustice of Plastic
Van Jones said that plastic trash hits poor people and countries “first and worst,” with consequences everyone shares no matter where we live and what we earn.

Visit the SCDI website for more information.


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