Speaker will address racism in today's society

The keynote speaker at the Association for Integrative Studies Conference will discuss how racism remains in our discourse, even by people who are appalled by racism.

Victor Villanueva leads the English department at Auburn University. His presentation, “Rhetorics of Racism in a Post-Racist Era,” is set for Thursday, October 13, beginning at 7 p.m. in the Eberhard Center. The event is free and open to the Grand Valley community.

His speech will discuss how racism remains in societal discourse, sometimes consciously, often not. He will suggest ways to think about the maintenance of rhetorics that carry racism. Villanueva is the editor of several popular English textbooks and the author of “Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color.”

The AIS conference at the Amway Grand Plaza runs October 14-16. It is sponsored by the Liberal Studies department and Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies. For more information, visit www.gvsu.edu/aisconference.


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