Student in London covers royal wedding

One Grand Valley student will have a close-up look at the royal couple and their first public kiss Friday, and she will tell West Michigan readers all about it.

Danielle Lucksted, a psychology major, is participating in a study abroad program at Kingston University in the U.K. To prepare a column about the wedding for the Grand Haven Tribune, she plans to take a bus from Kingston to central London Friday and stand with the masses trying to get a glimpse of Prince William and Kate Middleton after they exchange vows.

"My friend and I will be following the wedding route," Lucksted said. "A kiss is scheduled to take place on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, so we will be within sight of it all."

Lucksted has been at Kingston University since September and she will leave in June. "I have always had an insatiable need to travel the world and learn everything I can about new people, new cultures and new languages," she said.

Lucksted, a Spring Lake resident, pitched her idea of serving as an overseas columnist to Tribune editors when she learned her schedule would allow to be in London for the wedding. She said she has always been interested in journalism and served as the editor for her high school newspaper.

She admitted to being swept up by the hoopla and merchandising. "I myself have customized a T-shirt that reads, 'Will asked me first, but I said no,' and a ring modeled after Diana's famous blue diamond," she said.

Read Lucksted’s account of the wedding here.



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