Students earn scholarships to study abroad

Fourteen Grand Valley students received scholarships to study abroad this year through the Benjamin Gilman International program.

Students received a combined total of more than $51,000 in scholarship money, according to Amanda Cuevas, director of the Office of Fellowships in the Meijer Honors College.

Cuevas will be at the Study Abroad Fair on Tuesday, October 11, to discuss the Gilman scholarship with students who are interested in applying. The fair will run from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Kirkhof Center, Grand River Room.

To be eligible for a Gilman scholarship, students must be eligible to receive a Pell grant, be a U.S. citizen, and study in a country that is not Cuba or on the State Department’s Travel Warning List for at least four weeks. Details about the Gilman program are online at

Below are 2011 Gilman recipients, their major and country where they studied:

• Paolina Barker, English/honors, Norway;
• Catrina Boles, business/psychology, Japan.
• Elise Campbell, social work/WGS/honors, Ghana;
• Lori Forman, health professions, Italy;
• Antais Harvey, biomedical sciences/honors, Jordan;
• Katie Hekstra, biomedical sciences/honors, Spain;
• Ferris Jumah, statistics, Turkey;
• Onawa Gardiner, advertising/public relations, Chile;
• Marcy McCourt, health professions, India;
• Dylan Moore, German/philosophy/classics/honors, Italy;
• Jennifer Pider, liberal studies, Morocco;
• Regina Robinson, biomedical sciences, Ghana;
• John Rood, political science/philosophy, India;
• Eric Wells, philosophy/honors, Ghana.



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