Call for art for Student Scholars Day book

Pictured is the 2012 winner Irisi Tole and her artwork.
Pictured is the 2012 winner Irisi Tole and her artwork.

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship is seeking students to submit artwork for a competition to be featured on the 2013 Student Scholars Day abstract book cover.

The winning student will receive a $500 scholarship for the 2013 winter semester. Submissions should be representative of scholarship, research and creativity at Grand Valley. Past SSD covers have incorporated themes of sustainability, integration, interdisciplinarity and transformation. Last year’s winner, Irisi Tole, is pictured above with her artwork.

Artwork needs to be submitted electronically to [email protected]. Entries need to be submitted in PDF format in addition to the source file; requested size is 8.5 by 11 inches. In addition to the cover art, the artist needs to provide a 100-word statement describing the artwork and an artist photograph.

All Grand Valley students are eligible to participate in the competition. The deadline for submission is November 9. Questions can be directed to [email protected].



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