Celebrating October as work, family month

Recognizing October as National Work and Family Month, the Health and Wellness team reminds faculty and staff members to think about their work-life balance and consider changes, if necessary.

Sue Sloop, work life consultant, said the university offers numerous flexible work arrangements to help faculty and staff members meet demands at work and home.

“Grand Valley recognizes that life doesn’t stop when faculty and staff come to work,” Sloop said. “The Work Life Connections Program offers support for any life event that may be causing stress and anxiety through services such as Encompass, the employee assistance service, and personal consultation.”

Flexible work options include flextime, telecommuting, job sharing, compressed workweek and abbreviated schedules. Sloop said while not all options work for all departments, there are guidelines online to help supervisors and staff members. A flexible work arrangement toolkit is available here.

For more information, contact Sloop at (616) 331-2215.


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