Departments urge people to use stairs

A campaign featuring Louie the Laker urges the campus community to take the stairs when possible.
A campaign featuring Louie the Laker urges the campus community to take the stairs when possible.

Several departments have joined forces to promote walking up and down stairs of campus buildings, rather than using the elevator, when possible.

The “Take the Stairs” campaign features photos of Louie the Laker walking up a flight of stairs. The initiative serves to remind people that using stairs promotes good health, and is sustainable effort because of decreased elevator usage, according to Lindsey DesArmo, health and wellness coordinator.

“All of our small daily habits are what really add up when it comes to physical activity,” DesArmo said. “We don’t have to schedule an hour to hit the gym but can take five minutes every hour to burn — and save — some energy taking the stairs.”

The website lists campaign locations of main Grand Valley staircases and wellness resources.

Campaign sponsors are Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Health and Wellness, Facilities Services, Movement Science and Disability Support Resources.


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