News from Grand Valley State University

Grad Education Day at the Capitol

Graduate education is key to Michigan’s economic growth and stability. Gov. Rick Snyder has declared the week of March 26 as Graduate Education Week.

More than 50 students from universities and colleges across the state, including 11 from Grand Valley, will meet with legislators on Michigan Graduate Education Day 2012, being held Thursday, March 29, at the Capitol Building in Lansing.  

Students will meet with their hometown legislators to discuss their studies and future plans. Students will also present their research and degree-related projects.

Michigan Graduate Education Day
March 29
10:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m.
Capitol Building, Lansing

Graduate education in Michigan is highly productive, contributing directly to the well being of the state and its capacity to meet the challenges of the future. Last year, Michigan accredited four-year public and private colleges and universities awarded more than 20,800 master’s degrees. Grand Valley awarded 1,073 graduate degrees in 2010-11.

Graduate education in Michigan produces new leaders in research and innovation. Last year, Michigan institutions awarded 5,203 doctorates. Michigan ranks ninth among states in the U.S. for the number of research-based doctorates awarded.

For more information, contact Irene Fountain, GVSU Graduate Education Studies, at (616) 331-7123.


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