GVSU one of few in nation to offer sustainable certification program

Dalila Kovacs, Grand Valley chemistry professor and creator of the green chemistry certification program
Dalila Kovacs, Grand Valley chemistry professor and creator of the green chemistry certification program

Grand Valley State University is reacting to the demand from employers for sustainable skill sets in graduates by offering a unique certification program in green chemistry. Grand Valley is one of a few universities in the U.S., including the University of California Berkeley, to offer the opportunity to become certified in green chemistry.

“More and more, companies are seeking employees with sustainable skills that complement any job,” said Dalila Kovacs, Grand Valley chemistry professor and creator of the green chemistry certification program. “Being certified in green chemistry will bring in-house expertise and life-cycle thinking to companies hiring people for many different fields and industries.”

Kovacs said green chemistry practices are increasingly seen in the health care industry and can be applied to many professions in product development, patent law, quality management, safety management, and health and environmental management. “Green chemistry includes long-term thinking, and researching and producing chemicals that are not toxic and not harmful in the long run,” she said.

Shane McGrath, a 2011 undergraduate alumnus who is currently attending Grand Valley for a master’s degree in business, was the first student to complete the program and currently works as a chemist for Perrigo. He became certified after completing three classes and conducting green chemistry research. “Being certified in green chemistry set me apart from others when I was building my resume and interviewing for jobs,” he said. “I’m a chemist with a new sustainable skill set that the job market rarely sees.”

Kovacs said Grand Valley alumni, current students and community members can apply for the program. If all prerequisites are met, the program can be completed in one year.

For more information, click here .


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