Know Your Numbers increases incentive

Photo by Elizabeth Lienau. UMR was among the vendors at the Fitness and Wellness Expo February 1 in the Kirkhof Center. Visiting the expo is among the wellness activities that count toward the Healthy Choices incentive.
Photo by Elizabeth Lienau. UMR was among the vendors at the Fitness and Wellness Expo February 1 in the Kirkhof Center. Visiting the expo is among the wellness activities that count toward the Healthy Choices incentive.

To help increase the number of faculty and staff members who participate in Know Your Numbers, the clinical health risk assessment program, a new incentive has been announced.

Health and Wellness announced that Grand Valley will contribute a $200 deposit for members in the high deductible benefit plan (or premium adjustment for members in the standard plans) for those who participate in “Healthy Choices,” the incentive program that ties the health risk assessment with wellness activities.

Lindsey DesArmo, health and wellness coordinator, said about 25 percent of faculty and staff members participated in KYN last year. The new incentive ($100 raffle prizes were offered last year) is offered to increase participation, help keep faculty and staff healthy and help maintain university health care costs, she said.

KYN assessments will be offered by a new vendor, Wellness Inc., March 2-23 and will be at three Grand Valley locations March 12-16. Register for an appointment online at The assessment screens for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other risk factors. It is confidential and free.

To qualify for the $200 Healthy Choices incentive, faculty and staff members must complete the blood draw and Health Risk Assessment online between March 2-23 and track their wellness activities online each quarter. Exercising, attending smoking cessation classes or workshops all qualify as activities, DesArmo said. Additional details can be found on the Health and Wellness website,, or by calling x12215.


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