Middle school girls learn about engineering careers at camp

About 80 middle school girls flew the airplanes they designed and built at the Grand Valley Science, Technology and Engineering Preview Summer Camp conclusion event June 21.

A group of certified pilots helped campers fly their airplanes at the Warped Wings Fly Field in Allendale. During the four-day camp, the students got a glimpse into the careers of engineers, an occupation made up of 10 percent women. The same camp will run from June 25-28.

The program is held early enough to influence a student’s choice of math, science, and technical courses in middle and high school. These courses help prepare them to enter and succeed in college-level programs.

The camp is coordinated by Grand Valley’s Seymour and Esther Padnos College of Engineering and Computing with support from Alcoa Foundation, Alcoa Howmet-Whitehall Operations, Michigan Space Grant Consortium, West Michigan Aviation Academy and SME Education Foundation.

For more information, visit www.gvsu.edu/steps.


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