New video shows off Grand Valley in unique way

A new Grand Valley State University video, that plays off of the “I’m on a Boat” theme, premiered Wednesday night to hundreds of students on the Allendale Campus to introduce them to the university.

Students laughed and cheered while watching several characters, including Louie the Laker, dance to a parody of the popular Saturday Night Live music video.

The video, which was entirely written, shot and produced by a group of Grand Valley students and alumni, includes cameos by well-known Grand Valley graduates and staff members, including President Thomas J. Haas and Board of Trustees member Noreen Myers.


EXTRA: Download 'Laker For A Lifetime' ringtones for iOS or Android phones. ____________________________________________________________

Student inspired and directed videos have become a tradition at Grand Valley since the Come Sail Away Lipdub video in 2010. Traditions at the university are one way students learn that they are Lakers for a lifetime, beginning with their first year and continuing on after graduation. For other Grand Valley traditions, visit

Watch the video here

The video was created with support from Grand Valley News and Information Services and Cuppy Productions; the cast and crew included Grand Valley alumni and students.


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