Volcanoes, earthquakes highlight Earth Science Week

The Geology Department is celebrating Earth Science Week, October 15-19, with a collection of speakers. Talks range from volcanoes and earthquakes to energy in Michigan to water in Haiti.

Peter van Keken, a geophysicist at the University of Michigan, will give a talk, “When Earth Attacks: Why an Old Planet Causes Volcanoes and Earthquakes,” on October 15 at 7 p.m. in Loosemore Auditorium.

Van Keken uses computational methods to study the causes and consequences of plate tectonics. He focuses on the long-term chemical and thermal evolution of the Earth, the dynamics of mantle plumes and the structure and evolution of subduction zones.

His talk is co-sponsored by the GeoPRISM distinguished lecture series. For more information contact Steve Mattox, geology professor, at 331-3734 or [email protected].



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