Women's Center celebrates 10 years

Ann Marie Klotz pictured next to her "Our Stories" poster.
Ann Marie Klotz pictured next to her "Our Stories" poster.

Giving to the Women’s Center was very natural for alumna Ann Marie Koltz. She was the Women’s Center first-ever student employee and she said her experience at the center helped shape who she is today.

Koltz was one of many individuals who were recognized at the Women’s Center 10th anniversary celebration on March 16. “Our Stories”—a visual showcase of past and present students—was displayed, and 18 women who are part of the Women’s Center Enrichment Circle were recognized.

The Enrichment Circle was established this year to provide the center with necessary resources to achieve plans for the next 10 years. About $34,000 started the circle and the donations will go toward the Women’s Center Endowment Fund.

Since the Women’s Center was founded in 2001, it has assisted hundreds of students each year, hosted more than 600 programs, raised more than $100,000 for organizations that work with women and girls, and provided dozens of non-profit agencies with volunteers.

“When the university initially began thinking about starting a women’s center, they weren’t sure if it would be used. But since it was founded, I’ve talked with many students who told me they can’t imagine life without it,” said Klotz, now assistant director of residential education at DePaul University.

Marlene Kowalski-Braun, assistant vice provost for Student Affairs and director of the Women’s Center, said looking ahead, the center has many exciting plans, including a study abroad trip to South Africa, a new residential Women’s Leadership Living and Learning Academic Community, and new and innovative projects and initiatives.

“The Enrichment Circle will help sustain the programs and initiatives at the center long after we leave,” she said. “Establishing this group will help the Center extend its reach at Grand Valley, throughout West Michigan and beyond.”

Bart Merkle, dean of Students, said thousands of students have been touched by the Women’s Center. “Nearly every department on campus has collaborated with the center,” he said. “The developmental and leadership skills they teach are truly remarkable, and I look forward to the next 10 years with excitement and anticipation.”


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