Writing Center offers support to faculty and staff

It's not only students with writing assignments who can receive support at the Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan Authors.
Faculty and staff members can get professional feedback on their
dissertations, book or grant proposals, or other forms of writing.
Michelle Sanchez, professional writing consultant, will provide
one-on-one consultations.
Sanchez has worked at the center for
six years; she earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English
language and literature from Grand Valley.
Ellen Schendel, director of the center and interim associate dean of Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies, said the consultations grew from other center initiatives for faculty and staff members, like the popular writing retreats and Faculty Fridays, a five-hour block of writing time, with support available, at the center.
Schendel said the Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center and Center for Scholarly, and Creative Excellence recognized the importance of faculty scholarly writing and helped support Sanchez’s position.
More information is online at www.gvsu.edu/wc, click on “Support
for Faculty/Staff Writers.”
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