Congressman greets veterans in GVSU police academy

U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, center, President Haas, far left, and GVSU Police Academy director Julie Yunker, far right, are pictured with students in the Military Police Basic Training Program at GVSU.
U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, center, President Haas, far left, and GVSU Police Academy director Julie Yunker, far right, are pictured with students in the Military Police Basic Training Program at GVSU.

U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga greeted students who are taking part in the Military Police Basic Training Program at Grand Valley State University. The congressman addressed the group during a scheduled class July 29 on the Allendale Campus, thanking them for their service.

“I appreciate your service and want to thank you and your families for all you have gone through,” Huizenga told the students. “Thank you for already serving your country and for wanting to continue to serve.”

Huizenga said he carries a challenge coin he received from a Marine wherever he goes to remind him of the sacrifice made by those serving in the military. He shared that his father is a disabled World War II veteran.

Grand Valley was selected in March as the first site in Michigan to launch a new law enforcement training program designed to draw upon and focus on the talents of military veterans. The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards selected Grand Valley for the Military Police Basic Training Program; only 10 states provide military police veterans with a formal training academy that allows for a smooth transition into civilian law enforcement.

Military police veterans who meet the eligibility requirements for the program participate in a six-week training program, and at the conclusion are able to apply for employment at law enforcement agencies.  



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