Governor says Michigan is 'comeback state'

Gov. Rick Snyder said global trade is critically important for the state, and Michigan can be a world leader again, during his remarks at the World Trade Week West Michigan Business Conference May 8, sponsored in part by the Van Andel Global Trade Center at Grand Valley State University.

The governor spoke at a V.I.P reception at the Eberhard Center. “West Michigan is international and important on the global scene,” said Snyder. “More global trade happens in the West Michigan area than the southeast side of the state.”

The governor said the state of Michigan was once a world leader in several areas including the automotive and furniture industries. “We know how to lead,” he said, “but we’ve been too complacent over the last 10 years. Michigan is the ‘comeback state’ and we need to be sure ‘Made in Michigan’ means something around the world.”

Snyder said his role and the government’s role is to create an environment for businesses and entrepreneurs to succeed.

“World Trade Week West Michigan Business Conference 2013 — Managing Your Global Risk” was organized in partnership with the U.S. Commercial Service and international business leaders supporting the West Michigan community. The conference featured experts on strategies, opportunities and resources available to help businesses increase international sales.

Earlier in the day, keynote speaker Todd Wandtke, vice president of central region marketing for UPS, talked about “Supply Chain Management: Benefits of Going Global.” Three panel discussions were also held: “Managing Your Legal Risks with Agent & Distributor Contracts,” “Know Before You Go: Successful Michigan Exporters,” and “Evaluating Emerging Markets: India, Philippines, Turkey and Vietnam.”


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