GVSU projects create about 1,500 jobs

About 1,500 construction industry jobs were created by two major building projects at Grand Valley State University. The Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons opened June 24 on the Allendale Campus and the L. William Seidman Center opened May 6 on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus.
The jobs created were both in the architectural/engineering professions and construction trades.
Consistent with the university’s commitment to encompassing the greater community in its activities, Grand Valley requested the construction contractors monitor and report the profile of its labor force engaged in the projects. Pioneer Construction reported that minorities represented 10 percent of the workforce on the Mary Idema Pew Library project and 6 percent on the Seidman Center project.

New construction and renovations pumped more than $54 million in the local economy in 2012, creating hundreds of trade and construction jobs. The university is a major economic player in the area’s well-being, making a total estimated impact of more than $722 million in the three counties surrounding the Allendale Campus. Because of Grand Valley’s presence, more than 10,500 permanent off-campus jobs have been created.


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