Promo film for baseball's trip to Cuba released

In January 2012, the Laker baseball team traveled to Cuba on a humanitarian mission with a Grand Rapids nonprofit organization.

A promotional film, “A Lesson in Diplomacy,” about that trip has been released. View it by clicking here.

The film was made by 2012 Grand Valley graduate Charlie Pryor, who accompanied the team to Cuba, and Frank Boring, affiliate professor of communications. They are now raising money to make a full-length documentary about the trip.

“A Lesson in Diplomacy” recounts the trip and includes interviews with baseball players, President Thomas J. Haas, former coach Steve Lyon, athletic director Tim Selgo and others.

Before leaving for Cuba, team members collected baseball equipment to distribute to Cuban youth. Grand Valley worked with First Hand Aid, a local nonprofit that brings needed medicines and supplies to Cuba.

Anyone interested in contributing to the film project can contact Gordon Alderink, Meijer Honors College professor and former Laker pitching coach, at [email protected]. Alderink also helped produce the film.

Keep up with the film crew’s progress on Facebook at


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