Visiting lecturers to discuss Chinese letters and philosophy
A husband and wife team of academics from the Department of Asian
Languages and Civilizations at University of Colorado, Boulder, will
give a pair of lectures at Grand Valley.
The back-to-back lectures, Monday, April 8, from 3-5:45 p.m. in
MAK A-1-184, are open to the public, but will be of most interest to
students of Chinese studies, literature, history, and philosophy.
Antje Richter’s lecture, “Wang Xizhi as a Correspondent:
Epistolary Authenticity and Convention in Early Medieval China,”
begins at 3 p.m.
First trained in English and Germanic Studies, in 1989 Antje
embarked on a second career in Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, and
Chinese Art and Archaeology at Ludwig Maximilians University in
Munich. She is the author of a monograph, Letters & Epistolary
Culture in Early Medieval China, forthcoming by Washington
University Press. She is also preparing a Handbook of Chinese
Letter Writing, a collection of papers given at a workshop in
Boulder, with contributions of several other scholars. Apart from
letter writing, her research focuses on other fields of early medieval
Chinese literature, in particular on literary thought (especially in
Wenxin diaolong), reflections on nature and wilderness in the poetry
of Xie Lingyun (385–433) and others, as well as on literary
representations and medical ideas of sleeping and dreaming.
Matthias Richter’s lecture, “Before Laozi became a Daoist,” will
begin at 4:30 p.m.
He graduated with a diploma in German and English literature
from the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (East Germany) in 1985,
studied Sinology, Japanology and Philosophy in Munich and Beijing, and
received a doctorate in Sinology from the University of Hamburg in
2000. He has taught early Chinese literature and philosophy at several
German universities and conducted a three-year research project in
manuscript studies at the University of Hamburg. His publications
include two edited volumes on early Chinese manuscripts, as well as
various articles in European, American, and Chinese journals. His most
recent book, The Embodied Text: Establishing Textual Identity in
Early Chinese Manuscripts, has been published by E.J. Brill
(Leiden) in January 2013. He studies Chinese Warring States period
(475-221 B.C.) and Early Imperial politico-philosophical literature,
with a particular interest in questions of rhetorics and redactional
strategies in texts such as Guoyu, Lunyu, Laozi, Guanzi, Hanfeizi. His
work has a strong focus on textual criticism, the formational history
of texts, and the methodology of studying early Chinese manuscripts.
The lectures are sponsored by Grand Valley’s Department of
Modern Languages and Literatures, East Asian Studies, Chinese Studies,
History and Philosophy. For more information contact Professor Curtis
Smith at [email protected], or
call the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at (616) 331-3203.
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