Volunteers sought to code survey responses

Volunteers continue to code written responses from the myGVSU Survey, the 2011 survey that gauged campus climate.
More opportunities to be involved are available. Volunteers who are inclusion advocates or members of the Campus Climate Implementation Committee are sought to read the thousands of written responses provided by students, faculty and staff members in the myGVSU survey and code them according to set guidelines.
Although the Campus Climate Implementation Committee has been identifying proposed action items based upon the quantitative survey results, there is a wealth of useful information to be gleaned from the qualitative data, said Dwight Hamilton, assistant vice president for Affirmative Action.
Hamilton said while comments are kept confidential, it’s important
to know the survey’s qualitative data.
“We want to be sure we’re
addressing the issues that the respondents disclosed in the survey,”
he said. “These responses will assist us in our continuing efforts to
improve the campus climate for our constituents.”
Volunteers will be trained to code responses. Upcoming coding dates are March 15, March 29 and April 12, from 2-5 p.m. in Henry Hall. Neal Rogness, professor of statistics and co-chair of the myGVSU Survey, is helping to coordinate the qualitative data collection.
Faculty and staff members who are members of the above organizations and are interested in volunteering are asked to contact Krystal Vanden Bosch, [email protected] or (616) 331-3692. Volunteers are not required to stay the entire length of time.
Results of the qualitiative data will be send to one of three Campus Climate subcommittees. The faculty subcommittee is chaired by Debbie Morrow and Rachel Campbell, staff subcommittee is chaired by Sean Huddleston, and student subcommittee chaired by Connie Dang and Colette Seguin Beighley.
The results of the 2011 survey showed that nearly 90 percent of
students and 76 percent of faculty and staff members said they are
comfortable with the overall climate in their classes and
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