What should be next year's Homecoming theme?

Last year's Homecoming theme was 'Come Sail Away.'
Last year's Homecoming theme was 'Come Sail Away.'

The Office of Student Life and Alumni Relations are asking students to submit their ideas for the theme of Homecoming 2013, which will take place October 14-19.

Entries can be submitted at www.gvsu.edu/studentlife/homecoming from February 25-March 19. A group of judges from Alumni Relations and OSL will chose the top five; the campus community can vote from the top five entries from March 25-29. The winning theme will be announced in April.

Last year’s theme “Come Sail Away” was created by Melissa Bunde, who graduated in 2012.

For more information, contact Chelsea Pulice in the Office of Student Life at (616) 331-2345.


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