Zumberge closed, satellite library opened

Library staff members participated in a Book Walk ceremony
Library staff members participated in a Book Walk ceremony

To mark the closing of Zumberge Library, its staff members were invited to a ceremony of sorts on Monday, April 29.

“I had this idea that we could each pluck a favorite book from the shelves and participate in a ceremonial walk together over to the Thornapple Room library,” said Lee Van Orsdel, University Libraries dean. About 50 library staff members participated in the brief event and took a moment to enjoy sharing titles of their favorites.

Though Zumberge Library closed its doors to patrons Friday evening, April 26, library services will continue to be provided. The Kirkhof Center Thornapple Room, just off the food court, will serve as the library’s public location until the completion of the new Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons, scheduled to open June 24.
“We worked very closely with faculty to provide all the appropriate materials needed for spring semester including course reserves,” said Brian Merry, University Libraries head of Operations and User Services. “Students are already finding us – we had one here Friday to return a book.”

Jeffrey Daniels, head of Knowledge Access and Resource Management Services, stressed that services will continue during the transition period. “We have even included a collection of new popular fiction for summer reading,” he said.

Document delivery and an interlibrary loan pick-up station are also available at the satellite library. Staff are available to assist patrons and provide reference services.

Thornapple Room hours during spring semester are Monday through Friday from  7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. For a complete list of all University Libraries hours and locations, visit http://www.gvsu.edu/library/hours.htm.


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