Her Story series continues Thursday

Koleta Moore, assistant director of Graduate Business Programs
Koleta Moore, assistant director of Graduate Business Programs

The next speaker in the Her Story series will be Koleta Moore, assistant director of Graduate Business Programs.

Moore’s talk will take place on Thursday, January 23, at noon in room 2263, Kirkhof Center. The event is approved for LIB 100 and 201 classes.

The Her Story series provides an opportunity for the campus community to listen to authentic stories of women in leadership positions at Grand Valley. It is co-sponsored by the Women’s Center and Women’s Commission.

The next talk will take place March 11 and will feature Jo Ann Wassenaar, associate director of the Women’s Center.

For more information, contact the Women’s Center at www.gvsu.edu/women_cen or (616) 331-2748.


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