University Libraries receive excellence award

Grand Valley State University libraries have collectively become the first academic libraries to receive the 2014 State Librarian’s Excellence Award for superior customer service.

The award, presented each year by the Library of Michigan Foundation and Library of Michigan, highlights the importance of services provided by libraries in Michigan.

Grand Valley will receive the award on October 16 during the Michigan Library Association’s annual conference in Grand Rapids.

Servicing Grand Valley’s more than 25,000 students, University Libraries is comprised of the Mary Idema Pew Library Learning and Information Commons on the Allendale Campus; Steelcase Library on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus; and Frey Foundation Learning Center located in the heart of Grand Rapids’ Medical Mile. Grand Valley’s Special Collections and University Archives found in the Seidman House on the Allendale Campus are also included under University Libraries.

Lee Van Orsdel, dean of University Libraries, said before moving into the Mary Idema Pew Library in 2013, library staff spent a full year re-defining what great service should look like from the perspectives of those who use the multiple facilities.

“In the last sixteen months, we have seen a lot of evidence that our commitment is evident to our students,” said Van Orsdel. “To get the State Librarian’s Award for excellence in customer service is icing on the cake and we are truly thrilled to have our efforts recognized.”

The Library of Michigan specifically praised the Mary Idema Pew Library’s innovative new technologies and supportive academic spaces, specifically the Knowledge Marketplace and Technology Showcase. With more than 154,000 square feet of space, the library boasts multiple customizable spaces for both quiet studying and collaborative work, more than 700,000 books, one million e-books, an abundance of intentional natural lighting, and outdoor work spaces.

In September, the Mary Idema Pew Library became the first library in Michigan to receive LEED® Platinum certification by the United States Green Building Council – the highest of four possible levels of certification.

According to Library of Michigan, the award nominees are evaluated based on:

•    Demonstration that the library provides superior services to its customers and community in cost-effective manners; with a positive attitude, and by always delivering on promises; and
•    Demonstration of the library’s commitment to high standards of customer service through staff dealings with customers and the service community.

During the October 16 conference, current State Librarian Randy Riley will award Grand Valley with the State Librarian’s Excellence Award. Annually, the Library Michigan Foundation gives this honor to one Michigan library, which includes a trophy and $2,000 in privately raised funds used to enhance library services.

For more information about Grand Valley's University Libraries, visit


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