Disability justice educator to visit campus

Mia Mingus is this year's Intersections speaker.
Mia Mingus is this year's Intersections speaker.

Mia Mingus, a writer and community educator and organizer, will give a presentation February 24 as part of the Intersections program.  

Mingus is a member of the Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective, a group that works to build and support transformative justice responses to child sexual abuse. She has been recognized by the White House as a Champion of Change, an honor given to Americans who do exemplary things to uplift their communities. Her research has examined issues of disability justice. 

Mia Mingus: “Building Transformative Responses to Violence”

Tuesday, February 24

6 p.m.

Grand River Room, Kirkhof Center

Mingus was named one of Campus Pride’s Top 25 LGBT Favorite speakers in 2009, one of the 30 Most Influential Asian Americans Under 30 by the blog Angry Asian Man, and she received the 2008 Creating Change Award by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, among others. 

Intersections is a series of events hosted by Grand Valley’s Office of Multicultural Affairs, Women’s Center and LGBT Resource Center. The series provides opportunities for the campus community to look at the world through multiple dimensions including race, gender, sexual orientation and class status, among others. 

For more information, visit www.gvsu.edu/intersections


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