News from Grand Valley State University

Faculty and staff sketches

The AWRI Fieldstation is pictured. Several AWRI staff members earned grants and are listed with other faculty members below.
The AWRI Fieldstation is pictured. Several AWRI staff members earned grants and are listed with other faculty members below.


James McNair, associate professor at the Annis Water Resources Institute, received a $31,589 grant from Central Michigan University for a project, "Integrated Invasive Aquatic Plant Management: Evaluating, Refining and Expanding the Management Toolbox."

Alan Steinman, director of the Annis Water Resources Institute, received a $50,000 grant from the C.S. Mott Foundation for a project, "A New Approach to Managing Water in the State of Michigan: Assessing the Feasibility of Integrated Watershed Commissions."

Carl Ruetz, professor at the Annis Water Resources Institute, received a $20,000 grant from the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission for a project, "Muskegon River Veterans Memorial Park Fisheries and Water Quality Monitoring."

Erin Lecker, programs coordinator for the Charter Schools Office, received a $5,000 grant for a project, "ArtPrize Education Days 2015."

Chris Haven, associate professor of writing, wrote a poem, "Bounty," published in Colorado Review.

Laurel Westbrook, assistant professor of sociology, co-authored articles, “New Categories Are Not Enough Rethinking the Measurement of Sex and Gender in Social Surveys,” published in Gender & Society; and “Penis Panics: Innate Maleness, Social Masculinity, and the Matrix of Perceived Sexual Threat,” published in (Re)Theorizing Masculinities.

Biology professors Michael P. Lombardo and Patrick A. Thorpe, along with several undergraduate students, gave a presentation, "Physical Differences Between Tree Swallows that Fledge Early and Late in the Breeding Season," at the joint meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists, Wilson Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists at Acadia University, Nova Scotia.

Steve Mattox, professor of geology, received grant funding from Michigan Tech and Grand Valley for a project, "Mi-STAR."


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