Garrett named first Student Ombuds

Takeelia Garrett was named Grand Valley's first Student Ombuds.
Takeelia Garrett was named Grand Valley's first Student Ombuds.

Takeelia Garrett was named Grand Valley's first Student Ombuds in September.

Garrett serves as a one-stop shop for students having almost any type of conflict, providing impartial feedback and directing students, if needed, to the appropriate on-campus resource.

“Students felt like they didn’t have someone to talk to,” said Garrett, who continues her role as assistant director of Housing and Residence Life.

The position falls under the Dean of Students Office. Garrett helps empower students to find mutually acceptable solutions to conflicts that college students frequently encounter. Some of these issues include financial aid, medical withdrawal, mental health concerns, landlord/tenant disputes, and coworker conflicts. 

“We can try to work through pretty much anything,” she said. “And if I don’t know the answer I can try to find it.”

While Garrett helps students find solutions to difficult problems, she’s quick to point out that she is not an advocate. As the Student Ombuds, she does not provide legal advice or take sides. All meetings with her are kept confidential, except in cases of sexual assault or self-harm, in which she’s compelled by law to report these issues.

Since September, Garrett said she has mostly been occupied with off-campus roommate concerns, as these students do not have a resident assistant to help them.  

“You can’t make everyone happy,” she said. “But at least there’s someone there for students to turn to.”

While the position was just recently created, the idea has been brewing for some time.

“Student Senate really pushed for this position,” she said. “In the 2011 climate study there was a suggestion for it, and they just took it and ran with it.”

To Garrett, the Student Ombuds position is helping Grand Valley advance its mission.

“Really, what is our first priority?” she asks. “Students!”


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