News from Grand Valley State University

GVSU, Consumers Energy break ground on leadership center

From left: Matt McLogan, Rep. Winnie Brinks, Dan Malone, President Haas, Mayor Heartwell and Sen. Hildenbrand
From left: Matt McLogan, Rep. Winnie Brinks, Dan Malone, President Haas, Mayor Heartwell and Sen. Hildenbrand

Representatives from Grand Valley and Consumers Energy announced the construction of a new $15-million, state-of-the-art leadership center on Grand Valley's Pew Grand Rapids Campus.

The three-story, 35,000-square-foot building will be owned by Consumers Energy and designed for professional development for company employees. It will be located just south of the L. William Seidman Center on Front Avenue SW and is scheduled to open in late 2016.

“This leadership center provides another positive element to our Pew Grand Rapids Campus and to the downtown area,” said Grand Valley President Thomas J. Haas. “It represents the power of private-public partnerships that are at the heart of Grand Valley’s history and our recently updated strategic plan. We’re pleased Consumers Energy has chosen Grand Valley and the city to enhance its leadership training.”

Dan Malone, senior vice president of Energy Resources for Consumers Energy, said the center will not only build tomorrow’s leaders for Consumers Energy, but will also leverage the expertise of Grand Valley faculty, staff and the university’s facilities.

Consumers will build the center on the property leased from Grand Valley as part of a 40-year agreement, at the end of which the building will be conveyed to the university.

Other speakers at the event included Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell, state Sen. Dave Hildenbrand, state Rep. Winnie Brinks and Matt McLogan, vice president for University Relations at Grand Valley. 



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